Word of the Day RESTORATION

Word of the Day: RESTORATION

God is a God of restoration. He can restore that broken friendship, that broken relationship, and that broken marriage. Whatever is broken in your life God can restore it. He will restore you health, your finance, your joy and peace of mind.

Thought for Today

Greed has taken over the world and sometimes those who have are the ones who are never satisfied. Greed is having a negative impact on the health sector. We have cases of doctors diagnosing people with cancer who do not have the disease and subjecting them the expensive cancer treatments, destroying the health of these people for personal gain. Today I read of another case of a doctor diagnosing patients with MS who don’t the disease and subjecting them to expensive treatments simply because of greed. Where is the love for humanity. Is money more important than someone’s life?

A Wish for You


image credit galleryhip.com

May your skies be filled with sunshine
Each day your whole life through,
May health and happiness be yours
Day in and out anew.
May each rainbow that you seek to find
Not e’er be sought in vain,
May each cherished goal you have in sight
Be yours to have and gain.
May hopes and dreams that you possess
One day for you come true,
May God walk always by your side
And light the way for you.

Harorld F Mohn

Nelson Mandela


Sleep Well Nelson Mandela. You have left an indelible mark in this world. You did not just exist, you were an inspiration. In the face of oppression and discrimination you stood resolute in your bid for equality. You had your freedom taken away because you dared to fight against apartheid. After twenty-seven years you emerged from those prison walls with your fighting spirit intact. You were beaten down but not broken. You didn’t just talk the talk you walked the walk. You had a game plan and you executed it well. We will remember you as one of the greatest and selfless man to ever walk the face of this earth. Your memory will forever live on. May your soul Rest In Peace.


Thankful to be Alive

Life is a precious gift that we have to be thankful for everyday. When you leave your home in the morning there is no guarantee we are going to make it back home safe and yet we often take it for granted that we will.

On July eleven I went to the hospital to have a medical procedure done.  I expected to have been back home in about three hours.  However things went horribly wrong.  I had a hole blown through my colon as soon as the procedure started.  I was told I needed to do a CAT Scan to get more information on what had happened.  It confirmed what the doctor suspected; there was a hole in my colon which was not supposed to be there.

I was then told that a team of surgeons were coming to speak with me.  To make a long story short, I was told that they needed to operate immediately to repair the damage that had been done.  The operation lasted three hours and went extremely well.  In fact I was told by the surgical team that considering the severity of my injuries the operation went even better than they had anticipated.  What they were even more amazed at was how quickly after the operation I began to heal.  I was told every day that the speed at which I was recovering was amazing.

Thanks to God for his healing touch, I was released from hospital on July 20, after spending nine days there.  I give thanks to God that the operation went well and that I began to heal quickly afterwards.  I am not fully recovered yet but I am getting stronger every day and am just thankful to be alive.


Relationships : Women Taking Control

Dealing With Infidelity 

Are you in a relationship where you feel like you are giving one hundred percent and he is only giving fifty?  That is probably because he is giving another woman that other fifty.  Infidelity is one of the major cause of problems in relationships.  There is a tendency for both of the sexes to cheat and when there is no trust in a relationship it is destined for failure.
As a woman how do you deal with the fact that your partner is cheating on you?  Do you confront him, make him know you won’t stand for it, give him an ultimatum wherein he had to choose you or go out the door?  Or are you so afraid you might lose him that you turn a blind eye, suffer silently and tell yourself that you would rather share him than lose him?  The fact is if you are sharing him with someone else you are half-way on the road to losing him anyway.  What is the point in prolonging your unhappiness?
You might be so afraid of losing him that you try to convince yourself that you can deal with it.   But why lie to yourself?  You lie awake at night wondering where he is, who he is with and what he is doing.  You want to feel his arms about you but the space beside you is empty and you know in your heart that he is with someone else.  You cry yourself to sleep knowing you have to let him go but not having the courage to do it.
Women often feel they need a man even when that man turns out to be a source of unhappiness.  The truth is you don’t need someone in your life who is making you unhappy.  You cannot rely on someone else to make you happy.  You are the author and creator of your happiness.  You cannot leave it in someone else’s hands!
If a man loves, respect and cares about his woman, chances are he will not cheat on her.  If he does not love, care for and respect you then you need to let him go.  There are times in life when you have to compromise but this is not one of those times.  If he is cheating on you and refuses to stop you need to show him the door because you don’t need him anymore than he needs you.  You certainly do not need to put yourself at risk for STD’s especially HIV and AIDS.  If you man is playing around he is not just messing with your heart, he could be messing with your life as well.
In my next post I will tell you about one woman who compromised and paid for it with her life.  Be wise, stay strong , love yourself and accept nothing less than you deserve!  Take control of your relationship today!

Happy International Women’s Day

Happy International Women’s Day to all the women around the world. As we celebrate this day let us all stand in solidarity to put an end to abuse against women. We must say no to Female Genital Mutilation, Child Marriages, Dowry Killings, Breast Ironing, Rape, Domestic Abuse and all other forms of abuse against women.  It is time for governments around the world to properly enforce the laws to protect women.  It is time for not just talk but for action as well.


Stop Breast Ironing

Young girls in many countries around the world suffer greatly each year from abuse of one form or another.  What is ironic is that in many instances adults believe that what they do is in the best interest of the girls.

There is Female Genital mutilation; a barbaric act of which for most part entail partial of full removal of a woman’s clitoris.  Sex for such a woman, instead of being an expression of love between two people can become a source of pain which she has to endure.  The procedure done without anesthetic and often times without using sterile instruments may result in fatal hemorrhaging or the  risks of serious infections.  This procedure does not benefit women in any way.  It is done to suppress a girl’s sexual feelings, to prevent her from being promiscuous, maintain her virginity until marriage and uphold the family honor.  Upholding the family honor is more important than the health and happiness of girls in countries that practices female genital mutilation.

In some countries there is forced child marriages which basically sentences young girls to a life of misery.  Most live their life in poverty. They are denied educational opportunities, and suffer from poor health, sexual and other forms of abuse. Most of them spend their lives trapped in loveless marriages with men who are often strangers.

 Parents say they do it to protect the girls.  Her husband will protect her from getting raped and he will take care of her.  If this is so, why are there so many horror stories?  The man who they feel will protect, often is the one who her rapist.  She is made to work like a hired help and suffers abuse not only at the hands of her husband but from her in-laws as well.  Although parents are aware of what is happening they continue to marry off their underage daughters because it is never about what the girls want for their lives.  Their happiness is not taken into consideration.  It is about culture and traditions and maintaining the family honor.

What is very worrisome is the fact that the list of abuses against girls and women get longer the deeper you delve.  In the Cameroon their form of abuse is  breast ironing. This particular form of abuse is shrouded in secrecy, not many want to talk about it, but behind closed doors Cameroon girls are suffering torture at the hands of their own mothers.  Breast ironing is done to stop the development of breasts and delay any sign that a girl is developing into an adult. 

Cameroon mothers say they iron their daughters breast to protect them from sexual harassment and rape, and to prevent early pregnancy that would tarnish the family name.. They also want their daughters to pursue an education rather than be forced into an early marriage.

They use objects such as grinding stones, coconut shells, leaves, ladles, spatulas and hammers heated over burning coal.  The hot object is used to press and massage the breasts to flatten them to stop their development.  This they feel will make the girls less attractive to boys and men.

Breast ironing is extremely painful and can cause tissue damage.  There are no medical studies on its effects but medical experts warn that it might contribute towards breast cancer and perhaps interfere with breast-feeding later.  Other possible side effects include breast infections, the formation of abscesses and malformed breasts.  It can lead to permanent damage to the milk ducts and even complete disappearance of one or both breasts.  The girls end up with marks, wrinkles and black spots on their breasts.

 Breast ironing violates the fundamental rights of girls and women – the right to health, physical integrity and freedom from torture.  It does not prevent premarital pregnancy which is on the rise,  accounting for 30% of pregnancies according to local health workers.  This is due to a lack of sex education.  The sex talk and not torture will be more beneficial to Cameroon girls.

Stop Abuse of Women

Stories of Abuse In India

In July of last year a man was arrested for keeping his wife genitals locked.    Sohanlal Chouhan drilled holes on both sides of his wife genitals and before he went to work each day would insert a small lock and put the keys under his socks. The lock was discovered my medical staff at a hospital where his wife was admitted after swallowing rat poison in an attempt at committing suicide.  They were unable to give Mrs. Chouhan proper medical care until her husband provided them with the key to unlock the padlock.  He was charged with cruelty and causing grievous injury.

Stop Abuse of Women

What is Female Genital Mutilation

Female genital mutilation is a painful operation during which the female genitals are partial or entirely removed or injured.  The whole purpose of this operation is to inhibit the woman’s sexual desires.
There are three main types of female genital mutilation practiced, type 1, 2 and 3.
Type 1     The clitoral hood is removed and most time this is accompanied by the clitoris itself.
Type 2     This involves the removal of the clitoris and the inner labia.
Type 3     Removal of all or part of the inner and outer labia and usually the clitoris and the fusion of the wound leaving a small hole for the passage of
urine and menstrual blood.  The fused wound is opened for intercourse and childbirth.
Type one and two are more commonly practiced.

