Empowered Woman

Don’t let age be a deterrent in your quest to improve your life. You cannot change your age, but you can change your status. Don’t stay stuck where you are because you think you are too old to change your position, so you slave away at a job you have because you think you don’t have a choice. There is always a choice. You just have to be brave enough to make it.

This and more powerful quotes in my book Empowered Woman

Coming Soon!

Believe in Yourself

Always believe in yourself and know that you are capable of achieving greatness. Others may doubt your ability and that’s ok. Never let them make you doubt yourself or what you are capable of achieving. Success is attainable. Others have done it and you can do it too!

New Work In Progress

Darlene Wellington believed her marriage of twenty-four years was worth fighting, for until the afternoon she walked in on her husband and his secretary. In the midst of her pain Pete Logan comes into her life. He is a friend when she needs a shoulder to cry on. However, Pete wants more than just friendship. When her husband falls ill, Darlene must choose between her loyalty to her husband and her new chance for love. The biggest decision she must make, is will she stay, or will she start over with Pete?

Keep Hope Alive

Hope is the light that shine through the darkness. Hope is believing the sun will shine through the dark ominous clouds. Hope is knowing that no matter how dark the night is morning will come. Hope is believing that no matter how bad things look right now you will get through it, you will survive. Keep hope alive!

Life is Full of Possibilities



Believe that your life has purpose. Believe that you are here for a reason. Believe that you are of no less importance than anyone else. Believe that you deserve the best of what life has to offer. Believe that you are worthy of love and happiness. Believe you deserve every success that come your way. Expect great things to happen in your life. Get up each day knowing something good is going to happen to you and thank God for it even before it happens.

Things Will Not Always go as Planned

Chances are things will not go as planned all the time. You will face challenges in life, some you might not expect and is unprepared for. However one thing I have learned from life is God will never give you more than you can handle. When you dig deep inside, you will find the strength to carry on.