Empowered Woman

Don’t let age be a deterrent in your quest to improve your life. You cannot change your age, but you can change your status. Don’t stay stuck where you are because you think you are too old to change your position, so you slave away at a job you have because you think you don’t have a choice. There is always a choice. You just have to be brave enough to make it.

This and more powerful quotes in my book Empowered Woman

Coming Soon!

Be Grateful

Be grateful for each new day you are given. Do not take it for granted and make the most of it. Things won’t always go the way you want them to but in the end things have a way of working out the way they are supposed to. So don’t worry about what you cannot control. Just enjoy the ride.

Have Confidence

If you lack confidence in yourself this world will crush you. People will always be ready to criticize and put you down. If you have no cofidence in yourself you might think you are not good enough. Stay true to who you are and ignore the voices of your naysayers. You can do great things . You were born for this.

People’s Opinion

People often form an opinion about you, based on what they think they know about you. And sometimes it’s okay to let them believe they know more than you do. However always remember that other people opinion seldom matter. Just believe in yourself and be confident in what you do for in the end that is what matters the most. Never for one moment stop believing in you!


Create a vision for your life and do not allow your environment, the people around you or past circumstance determine how you execute your dream. Stay focused. Every so often, rather than staying focused on what is important people allow naysayers to cause them to question their judgment and as a result lose confidence. One key element in achieving success is believing that it is possible.  We all have something to offer the world.  Your contribution is important. Challenge yourself to reach for the stars.