Whisper a Prayer

When you are feeling down and out and your heart is filled with despair, know that there is one you can talk to and he always care. In the midst of your heartache whisper a little prayer. God is always listening. He will heal your wounds and take away your cares.

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Thought for Today

Some people are easily discouraged. At the first obstacle they encounter they are ready to give up. They live with self doubt, expecting to fail then wonder why they do. The biggest obstacle keeping you from achieving your dreams may be your thoughts. So let go of those negative thoughts today. Cast doubts aside. It will not be an easy road but you can make it. One day like the phoenix you will rise. (Marva Seaton)

A Thought for Today

You may be at a crossroad in your life where your hopes and expectations still seem a far way from being achieved. You may wonder why it is taking you so long, why the journey has been so difficult. The important thing is to keep your eyes on the goal, never lose focus and never give up. (Marva Seaton)

Stay Positive

Life can be a struggle and you may have challenging moments when nothing seems to go right. Often it may seem difficult to get the right door open but you have to keep knocking. Whatever in life is worth having is worth fighting for. Keep hoping, keep trying and keep on believing and have faith that things will go your way. No matter what you may encounter stay positive.

Inspirational Words

Hold on to dreams and don’t give up hope. When things go wrong, hold on strong. Believe in tomorrow and that things will get better. The sun will not always shine. There will be days when dark clouds will linger. There will be days when things will go wrong. Then there will be days when it all comes together and everything will be fine. Whatever your day, be grateful you are alive and give thanks!