We are Survivors

The year 2020 has been a rough one for many of us. Many have faced unimaginable grief, disappointments, and set backs. Many sadly, lost their lives. Yes, it has been a tough year but we must be humbly thankful we are still here in the land of the living. Where there is life we still have hope to turn things around. We are the survivors of 2020!

A concept of luxury life with champagne bottle in ice bucket | Pikrepo


Longing For a RETURN TO THE nORM

Like me, you are probably tired of hearing about the Corona Virus. However it is here, it is real, and we have to be sensible. It is up to each of us to do our part to stop the spread. It will not go away at the wave of a magic wand, although we all wish it would.

Details - Public Health Image Library(PHIL)

Don’t put yourself at unnecessary risk. Avoid crowds, wear a mask, practice social distancing. Adapt to a new norm. The sooner this is over the better, but remember we all have to do our part.

Happy Sunday

Hi Everyone. It’s been a while since I have posted anything. I am going back to school and it has been a hectic semester so far. I hope you are all doing well. For you who are here in the US don’t forget Tuesday is election day. Play your part in the decision making. Please go out and vote.

Happy Sunday to you all. I hope it will be a peaceful and relaxing one! Enjoy the roses!

Pink roses in bloom during daytime

Five Secrets to a Happy Life

  1. Accept yourself for who you are and love yourself. You must learn to look in the mirror and love what you see, the image of who you are. Loving yourself is the first step towards happiness.
  2. Make peace with your past. Forgive those who need to be forgiven. Cut ties with those who cares nothing about your happiness. Surround yourself with positive, uplifting people who motivate and inspire you.
  3. Do not harbor bitterness or resentment in your heart towards anyone because in the end it will stifle your inner growth and peace of mind.
  4. Be kind to yourself. Pamper yourself every once in a while. Do something that makes you happy and make it all about you, you deserve it.
  5. Learn to say no. Remember that you are not here to save the world, so do not take on more than you can handle because you might not want to displease someone. You are never going to be able to please everyone or be everything for everyone. You must be able to say no and feel no guilt about doing so

tAke a walk in the Park

Learning to Cope

Relaxing in one of the many beautiful parks in Hanoi | Flickr

We are living in uncertain time and sometimes it can get stressful. it is best not to obsess over things you have little control over. Take a walk in the park; clear your head. Enjoy the sight and scenes of nature. Watch the birds in the trees; admire the flowers. Breathe in deep and exhale. There are still beautiful things to enjoy!

Difficult Times

Stay Strong

Many people are going through difficult times right now. This is a period of uncertainty in many aspect of life. However, we have to be strong stay positive, and believe we will get through this.