Daily Motivational Words to Inspire

One of the most important steps towards empowerment is having a reasonable belief in yourself and your abilities. Self-confidence plays a key role in your growth and development as an individual.

One of the main reasons people fail to evolve and grow is due to a lack of self confidence. It is not for a lack of strength. As individuals we all have our weak moments. Confidence is believing that in spite of what you might come up against you will overcome and achieve success.

Author: marvaseaton

Marva Seaton is a Mom, Author, Blogger, and Poet. She is passionate about issues concerning woman and tries to highlight stories of those suffering abuse. She strongly believes in fairness, equality, and the empowerment of women.

6 thoughts on “Daily Motivational Words to Inspire”

  1. With a focus on the 9 Fruits of the Spirit each day, thanking God for the love❤️, joy 🤪& peace🙏🏽 that are mine, and asking for help with the harder to achieve one’s (patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control), I discover that with His deliverance of those gifts, my self-esteem and self-acceptance consistently increase. God is good!

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