The Thigh Gap Obsession

Society in general and the media in particular have a profound impact on the way people live their lives. Some people depend entirely on others to dictate to them what is wrong and what is right. For example society try to impose on people the idea of what a right body type is. Where it involves people who lack confidence about the way they look or dislike the body they are in this may impact more seriously on them than others.

The thigh gap has gained popularity among young women some of whom perhaps lack confidence in their appearance. Some of these women are practically starving themselves so they get so thin that their thighs do not touch when they stand. This is the coveted thigh gap. Many anorexic looking images are floating around on the internet of those who have achieved the thigh gap. One can only hope that these women do not develop serious health issues.

It is unfortunate and sad that so many young women lack self-confidence and are so ready to conform to the views of others. I say to these women create your own reality and stop looking to others for validation. If someone’s idea of sexy is making herself so thin that she acquires a thigh gap, it does not have to be yours. Do not live your life based on the conviction of another person because what makes that person happy will not necessarily make you happy.

Happiness comes from within and you can embark on the journey for happiness by first loving yourself and the body you are in. Be mindful that no one is perfect; we all have flaws. Be aware also that we all have the ability to form our own judgement and make our own decisions. Stop relying on others to make those choices and decisions. God made us all unique so stop trying to be a duplicate of someone else and embrace your uniqueness.

Author: marvaseaton

Marva Seaton is a Mom, Author, Blogger, and Poet. She is passionate about issues concerning woman and tries to highlight stories of those suffering abuse. She strongly believes in fairness, equality, and the empowerment of women.

8 thoughts on “The Thigh Gap Obsession”

  1. I agree wholeheartedly, Marva! It amazes me that young women (in the 21st C) are still striving for assurance from other based on their outlook solely. I wonder if it’s because girls are told they are pretty (instead of “smart”) in the early age on…

  2. From what I’ve gleaned, it seems that a lot of men don’t even care as much as we think they do about physical appearance. They just like a lot of compliments — ahahahaha! For you to make them feel special. And this of course should be reciprocal 😉

  3. Hilarious to think about ME having thigh gap. I have short, stumpy legs. There is no such thing as a gap between my thighs. Okay, so I’ve never been a fashion model, and I don’t get any prizes for the swimsuit competition. BUT I met Mr. Right, fell in love, and have lived quite happily for 67 years without thigh gap. Oy. There MUST be more important things to worry about!

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