Where is the Love and Equality

We see it all around us, everywhere we turn there are signs of violence and abuse. It is in our homes, in the streets, in our schools, it is even in the churches. Often times it is the person who has earned our trust who turns out to be the abuser. Many of these people hide behind their titles and professions to prey on the innocent’

It is ironic, everyone enters this world a baby, seemingly innocent and in need of nurturing. What make some grow up to be such monsters while others are not? Was it something in their genes, lying there dormant waiting for the right moment to burst forth? Or is it something learned from society, from the environment in which these people grew up?

Many will quickly point out that kids that come from the ghetto are more likely to commit crime. They try to convince you that crime is directly linked to poverty. So the kids from the ghetto are constantly watched, nothing they do go unnoticed and they are always in the news. The man in the jacket and tie who preys on the little girls and the little boys goes unnoticed, no one is watching him. No one expects him to commit such a crime!

Society expect a course of action from one group of people and a different set of actions from another. They refuse to accept the fact that there is good and bad in every single group in society. It is all about people making choices. People have a choice of doing what is right and what is wrong, some choose to do good while others choose to do bad things. The person from the ghetto can choose to be a pedophile, the person from up town in jacket and tie can choose to be a pedophile. Who is likely to be caught first? My guess is that it is going to be the one from the ghetto, after all he is the one who is expected to commit crimes. The point I am trying to make is people will commit crimes no matter from what background they may come from. People need to choose to make the right choices.

Author: marvaseaton

Marva Seaton is a Mom, Author, Blogger, and Poet. She is passionate about issues concerning woman and tries to highlight stories of those suffering abuse. She strongly believes in fairness, equality, and the empowerment of women.

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